Sunday, July 1, 2012


On my way to Delhi, in train, Upper berth guy asked me to check if his Shoes are down there as there is high probability of getting them lost. As our conversations begin, I came to know that he ran away from his home when he was 7, knowing nothing, started washing dishes at a Dhaba. With time, he was promoted and he started chopping potato into small pieces, eventually turning into a professional Chef. At an age of around 25, with 18 years of experience, he has worked at various places in India like Goa, Delhi, Kerela, Kolkata and various overseas posting also at Thailand, Colombo, Maldives and was on his way to Dubai. He has seen world more than a lot of us and is really an expert in his field. I actually started wondering what I've done in my lyf last 20-25 years.After a contemplating dreamy sleep, when our destination was near, he got down to find out that his shoes are actually gone. A man's character is known by the shoes he wears and Thank God, I've learnt how to protect my character Good.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Respect for the Lady

Respect for the lady.
Born in a lower middle class family in 1960's, but being a girl could study only till class 8th. Life has just started. Got married at pretty a young age, must be 16-18, husband not supportive, but life must go on. She was offered to work as Peon. Not many people would have agreed in 1980's. But she agreed saying No work is small if done with dedication. 30 years into the service and she now owns a Rs 60 Lakh worth home in the city. Also she owns 2 plot back in her hometown. Not many of us in today's world can claim to own this much. And certainly she doesn’t need an MBA in finance to do that. Has a kid, grown up, but as it generally happens he got into bad company, ruined his education. The lady married him to a M.A. girl, which is now trying to bring him back to the good path, guy now pursuing a distance education degree. Besides the lady has a granddaughter and whole family is now very happy. And she doesn’t hesitate to distribute sweets in the office on her Granddaughter’s Birthday.
She lives with very high thinking serving tea and water in the office twice a day and Cold Drink if you avoid taking tea. Eager to learn photocopying as it may be needed by boss in emergency. Very gracious in giving credit to you to make her learn using photocopy machine and will often crack jokes and ask you sir why do you smoke, it will hurt your health and occasionally giving you motherly advise to take proper meals as health is Wealth. Often stays till 7 in the office till the boss is not out, in a city where even today most of the ladies are housewife. She may often worries about 4 sarees brought of Rs. 1000 each, 2 jeans for Rs 2000 each that they have to buy for a marriage function, but then she says, ' we earn for spending on our kids, not we' and I nod in concurrence. Hats off to the lady who respects work more than anything else and Lives a life with very high moral principles not many in today's world can truly claim to be.
Respect for the lady.

Friday, October 30, 2009



It was a nice day (I don’t know why all stories start with same line). And unfortunately, I decided to go to (heaven for some, burden for most) our library with one of my best friend. We were coming back from library when he spotted a sweet (curiously studying) girl. She looked at us, and I just ignored her (as I used to be a ‘sharif’ guy). My friend said (like always), u see, she was looking at me. Next day, my friend didn’t come, but I went to same place. Today, she was studying, but looking at me, with those innocent eyes, pretty frequently from a distance. I tried to concentrate on my studies (but in these situations, you can never). For next some days, she used to come with her friend, and I with mine, and we used to sit in the position facing, looking often at each other(from a distance).

Through her talks, I got that she is Bengali. I searched the list of all students on office automation to get her name address (and all office automation allows). I searched her orkut profile for more. Then one day, when I was alone, I asked her for coffee. She shockingly managed to ask my name and said, “We will talk later” and she went. Another day, when I tried to catch her alone to ask, I got the reply, “tum jaate ho ki hum guard ko bulayen” (You are going, or I should call the security guard). Then mid-sems came and recess. She stopped coming to library. I wanted to give her the beautiful gift I got from a special place for her. I wrote (lovely) scraps to her, and asked her for a coffee again, but she blocked me.

I asked her friend, she told me that she is committed. Heaven came crashing down. For the first (and till date last) time I (literally) loved a girl, and one word has ended it all. Actually she just got a feeling that I’m an insane guy, with no mind, and it is regular for me to tease girls like that (and yeah, she was my first and the last). I tried to reach her through her friend, on New Year, her b’day, valentine day etc etc., because I still wanted her to be my friend, to talk to her a lot and lot and lot, but, I tried to forget her, but she isn’t going away. Every time I look her be it LHC, be it gol gappe thela, be it shop C, and SPO session, I start praying God. I want her to be my friend, if nothing more, just friend. But yeah, god is not kind to everyone. He is cruel guy, looking and making fun of me. And I still have that gift, waiting for her to come.