Friday, October 30, 2009



It was a nice day (I don’t know why all stories start with same line). And unfortunately, I decided to go to (heaven for some, burden for most) our library with one of my best friend. We were coming back from library when he spotted a sweet (curiously studying) girl. She looked at us, and I just ignored her (as I used to be a ‘sharif’ guy). My friend said (like always), u see, she was looking at me. Next day, my friend didn’t come, but I went to same place. Today, she was studying, but looking at me, with those innocent eyes, pretty frequently from a distance. I tried to concentrate on my studies (but in these situations, you can never). For next some days, she used to come with her friend, and I with mine, and we used to sit in the position facing, looking often at each other(from a distance).

Through her talks, I got that she is Bengali. I searched the list of all students on office automation to get her name address (and all office automation allows). I searched her orkut profile for more. Then one day, when I was alone, I asked her for coffee. She shockingly managed to ask my name and said, “We will talk later” and she went. Another day, when I tried to catch her alone to ask, I got the reply, “tum jaate ho ki hum guard ko bulayen” (You are going, or I should call the security guard). Then mid-sems came and recess. She stopped coming to library. I wanted to give her the beautiful gift I got from a special place for her. I wrote (lovely) scraps to her, and asked her for a coffee again, but she blocked me.

I asked her friend, she told me that she is committed. Heaven came crashing down. For the first (and till date last) time I (literally) loved a girl, and one word has ended it all. Actually she just got a feeling that I’m an insane guy, with no mind, and it is regular for me to tease girls like that (and yeah, she was my first and the last). I tried to reach her through her friend, on New Year, her b’day, valentine day etc etc., because I still wanted her to be my friend, to talk to her a lot and lot and lot, but, I tried to forget her, but she isn’t going away. Every time I look her be it LHC, be it gol gappe thela, be it shop C, and SPO session, I start praying God. I want her to be my friend, if nothing more, just friend. But yeah, god is not kind to everyone. He is cruel guy, looking and making fun of me. And I still have that gift, waiting for her to come.